Become a Member

3 reasons to join

1. Good neighbors = great neighborhoods

A neighborhood is a place where you will run into people again and again just by being outside, running errands and enjoying a cup of coffee.  Franklin Commons residents and business owners are people from different backgrounds with a wide range of experiences. You'll gather and meet with folks who share a common goal of bettering our neighborhood. 

2. Have a voice in neighborhood decisions

When you join a neighborhood association, you have the opportunity to join important discussion and cast votes that affect the direction of the association and our community. A neighborhood association is also a direct line to your city council members and other elected officials.

3. Have fun 

Don’t really want to attend a meeting? There is something for you as well: a good time! Show up to neighborhood events, meet new people, eat a few tasty treats and go home. We always have a full calendar of events and always have a great time! 


Applicants requesting membership must be a resident or business owner within the Franklin Commons Neighborhood boundaries. The boundaries are South side of 10th Street; North side of the Flood Wall; West side of Spring Street; East side of Fulton Street.

The boundaries are South side of 10th Street; North side of the Flood Wall; West side of Spring Street; East side of Fulton Street.

Email us for more information.